1. The rings of Saturn

You slide in the troposphere Saturn under the most magnificent ring structure in the solar system. Beautiful scenery very rare. White ring ice soar 75,000 miles above your head. Luster ring illuminates everything around you. Not less than six months crescent in the sky. Light of sunset fog scatters ammonia crystals, forming a beautiful SunDog. You are exposed to ammonia clouds flow speed of more than 1,500 kilometers per hour. It is one of the fastest winds in the solar system. More than 30,000 kilometers beneath you, the pressure that makes humans could not survive, is a global ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen. There is no place to land on the planet.

2. Jupiter's Red Spot

Of its size alone, the solar system's largest anticyclone is difficult to understand the traveler. From this point of view, only a small portion of the Great Red Spot of Jupiter (left) can be seen. With a height of at least eight miles above the clouds below. Lightning crackled can pulverize town boomed into low cloud. The wind on the outer edge of the anticyclone vortex speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour. Storm rotates counterclockwise once every seven days. Turbulence created by mega-storm is very brutal, the sound was deafening. At least two planets the size of Earth could fit inside this terrible storm, which has been spun in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter for at least 400 years. There is no sign that this storm will stop.

3. Valles Marineris, Mars

Grand Canyon Arizona is not nothing compared to the grandeur of one of the natural wonders of the solar system called the Mariner Valley inii. With the depth of the valley four miles and so very wide up in some places you have to stretch to see the other side, this giant tectonic crack along the New York to California or a quarter of the circumference of the planet. So that when the sun rises at one end occurs, then the six-hour before sunrise at the other end. Water once flowed through a large segment of this vast. In this picture tourists look cool mist that meets the valley while the sun set on the northern edge.

4. Geysers of Enceladus

You will feel it before you see it: a nice rumble, echoing deep in the chest and up from your feet. No sound here. And then the explosion came: two large ice bursts burst through the surface of Enceladus, spewing ice crystals into space more than 1,000 miles per hour. Awesomeness that is illuminated by the sun silence far we. With only 1/16 of gravity our moon, Enceladus's not going to be easy to step on; pedestrians may need to strap on a jet and be careful to avoid the valley of geysers spouting strong.

5. Geyser Triton

Visitors of the planet Neptune's largest moon, Triton, will see an array cryogeysers amazed that may consist of frozen nitrogen and organic compounds dark. Geyser-looking smoky voice can be heard from a distance of up to several kilometers while gush over 8,000 meters into the thin atmosphere before the peak bursts swept away by the prevailing winds. Methane and nitrogen ice cover the surface with a temperature of -200 degrees Celsius almost this.

6. Eternal Light Peak

Not far from the Earth, in our own moon, a unique condition exists. Found in 1994 on Peary crater near the north pole, which is called the peak of eternal light is the area known in the solar system where the sun never sets. (Areas such other may exist on Mercury, but had never seen.) This unusual condition arises because the axis of rotation of the moon is barely tilted relative to the field and the Earth's orbit around the sun. But can be used as a tourist attraction, this site may one day become the first man on the moon base. Temperatures in the area fluctuated relatively small, probably about 20 degrees, making it the ideal place to stay. The possibility of water ice here is an added bonus.

7. Herschel Crater on Mimas

Adventurers who climb the peak in the center of the crater Herschel on Mimas, one of Saturn's satellites will find themselves more than 6,000 feet above the floor of the gorge. Surrounded by walls of the crater, which stands majestically nearly 5,000 meters, and with a view of the planet Saturn in the background, tourists may be wondering, how can Mimas survived the meteor impact that form 139-kilometer-wide depression, which is nearly one-third of the diameter of Mimas.

8. Sunrise on Mercury

The sun rises and sets in the Mercury be interesting to see. The sun will be visible about two and a half times bigger than it looks on the earth, the sun will rise and set twice during the Mercurian day. Sunrise, then make a bow in the sky, then stop, move back toward the horizon where he appeared, stopped again, and finally started again on his way to the horizon where he goes down. This happens because the sun maneuver Mercury rotates three times for every two times around the sun and as a highly elliptical orbit of Mercury.

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