1. Antimatter

Particles of matter also have opposite versions of themselves. An electron has a negative charge, for example, have antimatter equivalent to itself, namely positron, but positively charged. Matter and antimatter annihilate each other when they collide and their mass is converted into pure energy by Einstein's equation E = mc ^ 2. Some spacecraft designs the future also depicted with antimatter-matter engines.

2. Mini Black Holes

If a radical new theory of gravity "braneworld" is true, chances are scattered throughout our solar system thousands of tiny black holes, each about the size of an atomic nucleus. Unlike their brethren larger, mini black holes are primordial black hole remnant of the Big Bang and affect space-time differently because they are associated with the fifth dimension.

3. Cosmic Background Radiation

Another thing that is left over from the Big Bang is the CMB (Cosmic Background Radiation), is a type of radiation found in the '60s and radio-similar to the noise coming from everywhere in space. CMB is one of the strongest evidence we have that the Big Bang did exist and the origin of our universe.

4. Dark Matter

Scientists think that dark matter is the largest part of the material universe, but can not be seen or detected directly using current technologies. Candidates candidates range from mild to neutrinos unseen black hole (invisible black hole). Some scientists question whether dark matter really exists, and suggests that the question unanswered questions about the universe should be explained with a better understanding of gravity, rather than presenting the concept of dark matter.

5. Exoplanets

Until about the early 1990s, the planets we know in the universe is just located in our solar system. Astronomers have identified more than 2000 extrasolar planets (as of November 2014). They range from the giant gas planet whose mass is embarrassed to be regarded as a small star, to a small rocky planet orbiting a red dwarf star that is dim. The search for a second Earth, however, is still ongoing. Astronomers generally believe that better technology may in turn reveal planets similar to our Earth.

6. Gravity Waves

Gravitational waves are distortions in the structure of space-time predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, but they are so weak that scientists can only hope to detect if there is a colossal cosmic events, such as mergers of black holes as shown in the picture above. LIGO and LISA are two detectors designed to find waves that are difficult in this detection.

7. Galactic Cannibalism

As life on Earth, galaxies can "eat" each other and evolve over time. Neighbors of the Milky Way, Andromeda, recently has been "eating" one of its satellite galaxies. More than a dozen clusters star clusters scattered throughout Andromeda, is the cosmic leftovers of the past. The picture above is a simulation of Andromeda and our galaxy when colliding, an event which will take place around 3 billion years.

8. Neutrino

Neutrinos are uncharged elementary particles and nearly massless and can pass anything in the way, making it difficult to detect particles. Some neutrinos pass through your body as you read this post. Particles "ghost" is produced in the combustion process as well as the healthy star star in a supernova explosion of a dying star. To detect these particles, the detector must be buried underground, under the sea, or into a large chunk of ice as part of IceCube.

9. Quasar

Beacon shines a light on the edge of the visible universe is a reminder to scientists about keadaani messed up our universe at the time of the baby. Quasars release more energy than hundreds of galaxies combined. The general consensus says they are horrible black hole in the heart of distant galaxies. This image is a quasar, 3C 273 was photographed in 1979

10. Energy Vacuum

Quantum physics tells us that the opposite of appearances, empty space is an artificial bubble of subatomic particles "virtual" who are constantly being created and destroyed. Particles that impression here is to fill every cubic centimeter of space with a certain energy which, according to general relativity, produces an anti-gravity force pushing space to expand. But nobody knows what actually causes the accelerated expansion of the universe.

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